Two days ago 20+ YA authors and more than 1,100 people decended on Alief Taylor High School for our 3rd Annual Teen Book Con!
It was, in a word, AMAZING!
Teens got to choose from six panels where they were able to ask the authors questions ranging from "what's your writing process" to "are you scared of clowns". Note: I discovered that Holly Black has a VERY strong aversion to zombies and D.J. MacHales kryptonite is clowns.
This year's keynote speaker was the literary legend Orson Scott Card, who set the theme for the day when he stated in his address:
"Don't you dare ever make a child ashamed for what they love to read." and
"If someone makes fun of you for reading you can just smile at them and know that they are STUPID!"
Sound like some quotes to live by to me...
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