
Welcome to Lunanshee's Lunacy!

The majority of YA Book Reviews posted here will be of novels in the Fantasy & Speculative Fiction genres.  I, Rebecca, am the primary contributor to this blog, and those genres tends to be my preferred reads.  Please see the Book Reviews tab for a complete list of YA Book Reviews.

DISCLAIMER: I, Rebecca, am on several committees at various levels of the Library World.  The contents of this blog in no way reflect thoughts, comments, nominations, or feels of any organization.  Due to my inclusion on YALSA's BFYA committee I will not be reviewing any YA fiction published in the last year (i.e. any potential BFYA nominations).

Review Policy:
I do not accept unsolicited requests for reviews at this time.

Rebecca - Owner/Primary Contributor
Rebecca is a Young Adult Librarian at heart who masquerades as an Assistant Branch Manager by day at a very busy library somewhere in the metropolitan wilds of Texas. When not distracted by management duties Rebecca is reading, reviewing YA Literature and coming up with fun, innovative programming with diverse teen appeal.

When not writing and reviewing for my blog I volunteer my time for the following committees:
Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers (YALSA), 2015-2016
Best Fiction for Young Adults (YALSA), 2013-2014, 2014-2015
Youth Engagement (YALSA), 2013-2014
Spirit of Texas Reading Program HS (YART), 2011-2015
Teen Book Con Planning Committee, 2011 to present
Book Reviewer for VOYA, December 2011 to present
A4YA Reviewer for SLJ, Febraury 2014 to present

Rebecca's Social Media Links:
Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, AboutMe, LinkedIn

Kimberly - Regular Guest Blogger
Kimberly is a voracious reader and wonderful YA Librarian, also in Texas, who has a passion for Teen Literature.  Her reviews provide some balance to Lunanshee's Lunacy, since she enjoys realistic fiction.

Twitter: @kimberweeme