With yet another youth opening fire on his classmates, it seems like a good time to say a few words about bullying. Bullying has become one of the most insidious aspects of growing up. While not a new issue, it has transcended traditional methods taking to the Internet and cell phones in a viral manner that makes escape from taunting almost impossible - even when in the shelter of your home. But bullying has also become a more talked about issue. There are more resources than ever to help teens who are being subjected to persecution from their peers. Listed below are some national resources for both teens and those who work with them.
Band Back Together
We are none of us alone, we are all connected.
The Born This Way Foundation
*Empowering Youth, Inspiring Bravery is the motto of Born This Way a new organization spearheaded by Lady Gaga to provide to teens from all walks of life.
Where you are not alone.
Daily Strength
Offers 24/7 online support for Teens who need to talk about an issue.
It Gets Better Project
Support for LBTGQ teens.
There are also LOTS of resources in your community. Don't know where to begin? Go to your local library - a librarian can help you find resources and there may even be some on the library's website.
You can always reach out to a teacher, librarian or friend. If the first person you reach out to does not help keep reaching. If you make enough noise someone will pay attention.
Remember, no matter what, YOU ARE NOT ALONE.