ago. These novels have harnessed generations of readers imaginations and are an integral foundation for many modern fiction novels. Such a classic is The Scarlet Pimpernel. Since the first publication in 1905 readers have been fascinated by the novel's characters, plot and daring exploits. This is one of the first novels written about a masked hero, a standard feature of pop culture today, and the hero does not disappoint. Although this is a classic it is highly entertaining and very readable.
Recommended for Readers of:
Anthony Horowitz, Charlie Higson, Jane Yolen, Sally Gardner
Rating: 5 Stars
Teen Gauge: 14+
Program Idea: Have a "book to movie" day featuring the 1934 'Scarlet Pimpernel' movie starring Leslie Howard and Merle Oberon. Following the movie facilitate a discussion about the differences between the film and the novel. What would they do differently? What modern actors would they choose to remake the film? Which did they enjoy more? You could also talk the finer points of disguise and movie makeup since Percy spends so much of his time pretending to be someone else.