Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Top Ten Tuesday: Kimberly’s Spring TBR List
Top Ten Tuesday is the weekly meme hosted by the excellent blog The Broke and the Bookish. Last week, Rebecca took Top Ten Tuesday duty (thanks!), but now I’m back with ten books on my Spring TBR List. I may or may not actually read these in the next few months, but they are the ones most on my mind at the moment.
1) The Geography of You & Me by Jennifer E. Smith – This book sounds so good! I’m saving it for when I need a pick me up.
2) Where’d You Go, Bernadette? by Maria Semple – This book actually came out in 2012, but it’s been slowly catching steam around my place of employ. That wasn’t really enough to make me want to read it, but then someone told me it was epistolary and I was done. I have so much love for epistolary novels, guys. It’s ridiculous.
3) City of Jasmine by Deanna Raybourn – I was hesitant about reading this book after I hated her last title (a companion novel to this one), but the novella prequel sold me on it. Now I just need to find the time to actually pick it up…
4) Princess Labelmaker to the Rescue by Tom Angleberger – Confession #1: I don’t actually like Star Wars. Confession #2: I love the Origami Yoga series anyway.
5) A Natural History of Dragons: A Memoir by Lady Trent by Marie Brennan – This author is one I just recently heard about and couldn’t resist. Her books were described to me as Jane Austen meets Elizabeth Peters. Sounds perfect!
6) Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson – I just finished reading Steelheart (which I loved) and The Rithmatist (which I loved even more), and now my brother, who is a huge Sanderson fan, tells me I should give his non-YA titles a try. This series seems less daunting than the others.
7) On the Fence by Kasie West – I read The Distance Between Us, her previous contemporary YA novel earlier this year and loved it. This book doesn’t come out for a couple of months, but I have a beautiful eBook galley of it that I can’t wait to read!
8) Silence for the Dead by Simone St. James – I’ve had a galley of this on my Kindle for a few months now, but keep forgetting about it.
9) No One Else Can Have You by Kathleen Hale – I read about this book on someone’s Top Ten Tuesday post from a few weeks ago about 2014 debuts. It sounded intriguing, so I’m definitely going to give it a read. (The cover is also fantastic, and I’m hopeless against a good cover.)
10) The Taming of the Tights by Louise Rennison – This is one I’ve had checked out from the library for, well, a long time. I just keep checking it out, renewing it, and returning it, only to check it out again. I loved the first two books in the series, but I never seem to be in the mood for another.
Spring 2014,
Top Ten Tuesday