How do you prevent the freak out? Planning.
As I prepare to leave my current job, I've spent a good amount of time making sure to leave copious notes for the YA Librarian who will follow me. One of the documents I've created is what I'm calling the YA YEARLY PLANNING CALENDAR OF GLORY. This calendar (more of an outline, really) details the illusive when of organizing year-round teen programming at a busy public library. Since this seems like a document that many new YA Librarians could benefit from, I've decided to share it with the world.
Clearly some of the programs/dates on this YA YEARLY PLANNING CALENDAR OF GLORY may not apply to your branch but, if you are a new YA Librarian, I hope this gives you a starting point for your annual planning.
Local school district winter holidays - do you need programs?
AARP Tax Aid Starts = becomes VERY difficult to find a room for Teen Programs
Start thinking about Summer Programming Ideas
Black History Month Program planning & room reservation (Black History Month = February)
Teen Tech Week program planning & room reservation
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Black History Month - African American Read-In can be a great program (http://www.ncte.org/action/aari)
AARP Tax Aid = VERY difficult to find a room for Teen Programs
Plan Asian Pacific Heritage Month program & book a room (Asian Pacific Heritage Month = May)
Teen Tech Week promo
National Poetry Month program planning & room reservation
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Teen Tech Week
AARP Tax Aid = VERY difficult to find a room for Teen Programs
Plan out Summer Program details and begin creating flyers/posters etc
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National Poetry Month program promo
If you are planning to do a Holi Water War during summer make sure to get the Holi powder now!
National Poetry Month.
Send in SRP materials to be printed for May promo (plan on taking some to school in the area).
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Asian Pacific Heritage Month
Start gathering supplies for SRP
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Plan SAT practice tests for the next school year (KAPLAN/Princeton Review)
Summer Reading Starts – take a breath and say a prayer. :)
Summer Reading – you’re halfway there!
Plan Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept/Oct) program & room reservation
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Summer Reading Ends – compile stats, get teen feedback
Decide if you want to do a Scream-In - if so, then start planning & looking for teen volunteers
Plan Teen Read Week & book a room
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Hispanic Heritage Month = September 15 to October 15
Scream-In Promo (if applicable)
Teen Read Week promo
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Teen Read Week
Scream-In – usually planned for the weekend before Halloween depending on how the holiday falls.
Book a couple rooms for Holiday events during local schools Winter Break
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Think about Black History Month (February) program possibilities. If African American Read-In is happening, this can count as your program.
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Holiday Programs so parents can do some holiday shopping (movie & coco day, craft, games etc). Usually run these during the schools’ Winter Break
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Start thinking about Teen Tech Week (March) & book a room